6th Form Dress Code

Sixth Form Dress Code

(created by Sixth Form students June 2022)

All members of the Sixth Form should abide by the Sixth Form dress code concerning student appearance.

• Students should be in appropriate clothing AT ALL TIMES

• Sportswear should only be worn for playing sport (with the exception of SGI)

• Blue denim is not allowed

• Footwear should be dark, either black or brown. Trainers, Converse, and boots are permitted but there must be no bright colours accessorising them

• There should be no ripped or torn clothes

• Shorts are allowed in summer months but must be an appropriate length

• Skirts and dresses are permitted but must also be of an appropriate length

• Crop tops are NOT allowed. All shirts must be of an appropriate design and an appropriate length.

• All jewellery must be appropriate either on wrists or neck. Ear piercings must not be hanging. No nose rings.

The Oldershaw School
Valkyrie Road, Wallasey
Wirral CH45 4RJ
T: 0151 638 2800 E: schooladmin@oldershaw.wirral.sch.uk Executive Headteacher: Mr S Fisher