Free School Meals

Apply for Free School Meals

Please Note: Oldershaw now uses a cashless system in the canteen, which operates using fingerprint technology – similar to fingerprint recognition on a mobile phone. The biometric (fingerprint) identification system uses the finger to uniquely identify the individual, measuring many aspects of the finger to do this, and translates this into a unique identification number. The system does not store any image of your fingerprint. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires parental consent to take and use the fingerprint, so a Biometric Consent Form must be completedto be registered on the system. This form can be obtained from the school office. Whether you pay for a meal or are eligible for free school meal, in order to claim the meal registration is required.

The Oldershaw School
Valkyrie Road, Wallasey
Wirral CH45 4RJ
T: 0151 638 2800 E: Executive Headteacher: Mr S Fisher