Event Attendee Photograph & Video Consent

The UK General Data Protection Regulation came into force from the 25th May 2018. This placed additional obligations on organisations which affects how they handle personal data. We take cyber security and data protection very seriously and we have put steps in place within our organisation to ensure we maintain secure and compliant systems.

As we grow the community aspect of our school and host events, we may use photographs and/or videos taken at events to showcase what we offer and celebrate the success of previous engagements.

There are a number of instances when the school may use photographs/videos of you, specifically:

  • On the school website to promote future events and celebrate the success of previous events;
  • On the school website to advertise the images for sale to allow you or others to purchase as souvenirs;
  • On our social media accounts (such as Facebook & Twitter) to promote future events and celebrate the success of previous events;
  • In prospectuses, flyers, leaflets and brochures which contain images/videos to show what we can offer to prospective clients (wanting a venue) or parents/carers showcasing the whole school facilities;
  • We may also use other promotional materials such as banners and signs which may contain photographic images for prospective clients to view;
  • We publish photos/videos in and around the school building to illustrate the successes of events we hold, both on inhouse TV systems and in print;
  • In promotional materials to show the history and character of the school to future generations.

We follow guidance as set by data protection legislation (mainly the UK General Data Protection Regulation) as well as guidance set by the Information Commissioner’s Office on taking photos in schools and obtaining consent.

Usually event attendees will not be named in the photographs/videos unless we gain specific consent in the first instance. We would like to seek your consent to the use of your images/videos and/or name and will respect your decisions when publishing photos moving forward.

You can withdraw your consent at any time and can do so by writing to The Oldershaw School asking us to stop using your images/videos. At that point they will not be used in future publications, but we cannot prevent them from continuing to appear in publications already in circulation. Any online images/videos will be removed from our website and social media accounts as soon as possible, however, we may not have control of any images shared from our accounts previously.

Please complete the form below:

I agree to consent to images/videos of me being used on:(Required)
Please tick all that are applicable
I am happy to be named in images/videos if deemed applicable by the school(Required)
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The Oldershaw School
Valkyrie Road, Wallasey
Wirral CH45 4RJ
T: 0151 638 2800 E: schooladmin@oldershaw.wirral.sch.uk Executive Headteacher: Mr S Fisher